West - Lansing Shaped Interactive Mural

Video gallery coming soon!

Upload Your Video File >HERE<

Visit ‘North’ and ‘South’ murals too!

Lansing Shaped 'North' mural address, 500 East Thomas Street

500 East Thomas Street (north)

Lansing Shaped 'South' mural address, 5825 Wise Road

5825 Wise Road (South)

We are excited to hear from you for the Lansing Shaped project and ask that you use family-friendly language.  By submitting a video testimonial, you agree that the Muralmatics can share your video on this website, Muralmatics’ social media sites, and other promotional materials related to the Lansing Shaped project. You also agree that we may edit videos slightly to maintain a cohesive presentation and family-friendly atmosphere. Participation is voluntary, with no financial compensation, and does not confer ownership rights. Muralmatics reserves the right, at their sole discretion, to exclude submissions that contain hate speech, violence, promotion of one’s self, business, or products.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding this disclaimer, email us at LansingShaped@gmail.com.